After dropping out of university, Qiang hides from the world by living in his car and scraping a living as a minicab driver. But when his Mum calls to ask where he is, Qiang is forced to face up to his lies at great risk to his own mental health.
After dropping out of university, Qiang hides from the world by living in his car and scraping a living as a minicab driver. But when his Mum calls to ask where he is, Qiang is forced to face up to his lies at great risk to his own mental health.
Galina Chakarova
film editor
Rain Dogs
2023 | Episode 2 | Sid Gentle Films
director Richard Laxton, Jennifer Perrot
writer Cash Carraway
produced by Ciara McIlvenny
executive produced by Sally Woodward Gentle, Lee Morris, Cash Carraway
director of photography Carlos Catalán, Wojciech Szepel
sound post Molinare
grade and online Company 3