After dropping out of university, Qiang hides from the world by living in his car and scraping a living as a minicab driver. But when his Mum calls to ask where he is, Qiang is forced to face up to his lies at great risk to his own mental health.
After dropping out of university, Qiang hides from the world by living in his car and scraping a living as a minicab driver. But when his Mum calls to ask where he is, Qiang is forced to face up to his lies at great risk to his own mental health.
Galina Chakarova
film editor
Situation Noir
2010 | 50 sec | Royal Conservatoire of Scotland | BFI
A femme fatale is contemplating her victory in the early hours
of a cold winter morning.
writen & directed by Galina Chakarova
music by George Gershwin
Created for a Windows 7 second contest (extended version).
The original 7 second piece won the contest and was screened at BFI London 2010 Film festival at Leiscester Square as the opening piece of The First Grader (directed by Justin Chadwick)